Chloe Russell, The Complete Fortune Teller and Dream Book



Digital copy of a book in the collection of the Boston Athenaeum.



our disposition, and prone to anger—a woman born
at the same time will be resolute in her words and
actions, of a stout heart and not easily intimidated.


Near the 20th of May, the sun enters the third
sign, called Oenini, or the Twins—a man born
near this time will be prosperous through life—a
Woman, morose, jealous and fretful.


Near the 20th of June, the sun enters the fourth
sign, called Cancer, or Crab—a man born about this
time will be of a sober and sedate disposition—a
Woman will be amiable and of pleasing manners.


Near the 20th of July the sun enters the fifth
sign, called Leo, or the Lion—a Man born at this
time will be of a turbulent diposition—a Woman,
slutish, indolent and abusive.


Near the 20th August the sun enters the sixth
sign, called Virgo, or the Virgin—a Man born a-
bout this time will be strongly inclined to lawless
love—a Woman, will detest lust and corporeal un-


Near the 20th of September the sun enters the
seventh sign, called Libra, or the ballence—A Man
born near this time, will be rich and respectable—
a Woman will be virtuous, dignified and modest.


Near the 20th of October, the sun enters the
eighth sign, called Scorpion, or the Dragon—a man
born near this time is born to a hard fortune—a
Woman, haughty, designing and uncharitable.


Near the 20th of November, the sun enters the
ninth sign, called Sagitarius, or the Arrow bearer ;

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