1. Color Scheme



2. EBBDA Logo with Boston Map


3. Fonts + Font styles for Headings, Paragraphs, Customized Modified Code examples

  • Landing Title :
    Early Black Boston Digital Almanac
    Font: Rozha One, 60px, #003300
    Code: <h1 style="color: #003300; font-size: 60px;"><strong>Early Black Boston Digital Almanac</strong></h1>

  • Primary Menu : Font: Lato (Check Customize > Typography > Menu Items, Check Customize > Color > Global for hover colors/header/footer/general color styling)
  • All section titles: (Check customize > font/color >headings)
    Code example: <h3 style="text-align: left;">About</h3>
  • Paragraphs:
    Font: Playfair Display, 16 pt, black
    Style edited in code : <p style="text-align: justify; line-height: 27px;">


Welcome to the Early Black Boston Digital Almanac, a site dedicated to highlighting the various movements, locations, art, and rhetoric of Black figures and coalitions that shaped Boston's history, and thusly, its present. This site encourages its users to learn more about Black communities in Boston’s early history through digital exhibits and archival material, all of which has been created and curated by Northeastern University students, faculty, and archivists.


  • Button: (Edit in code under "text" in block editor)

Example for the landing page button "Explore Exhibits" – 

<h4><a href="https://ebbda.org/exhibits-permanent-collections/"><button style="background-color: #bc6c25; color: white; border: none; padding: 12px; border-radius: 4px;"> Explore Exhibits </button></a></h4>


3. How to add the gray "Navigation Side Bar"

  1. On the left Menu bar, go to Appearance > Widgets
  2. Under Available Widgets, choose "Visual Editor" and select "Sidebar", click "Add widget"

  • This will add a widget under the "Sidebar" options on the right.

    3. Drop-down from the "Visual Editor" you just created.

4. You will see something like the image below, follow the steps shown here:

  • Make sure you add the URL of the page in which you want this sidebar to be shown.
  • You can find this URL if you go to the your page and see the last bit of the "Permalink"
  • Something like this:

5. Click "Save"