Chloe Russell, The Complete Fortune Teller and Dream Book



Armed men.—if you are pursued by such, and
have a difficulty in getting away, you will meet
with trouble.
Black.—if you shew your naked back, you will
be engaged in some scene of lewdness.
Bees.—if you see bees at work in your dream,
it signifies that your industry will be prosperous.
Boat.—To dream of sailing in a boat, denotes
your friends will forsake you.
Briars.—To dream you are scratched with briars
you will meet with difficulties.
Bridge.—To dream of going over a bridge with-
out difficulty, is a sign of prosperity.
Buying.—To dream of buying victuals raw, de-
notes benefit from friends.
Cards.—if you dream you are playing at cards
it denotes that you will soon be married.
Cattle.—To dream of driving cattle is a sign that
[you] will be prosperous through life.
Cat.—Should you dream of a cat, you must ex-
[p]ect trouble.
Children.—To see children in your dream, prom-
ises riches and happiness in this life.
Church.—To dream you are in a church, you
will be disappointed in your expectation.
Climbing.—To dream you are ascending a very
steep place, and find great difficulty, denotes sickness.
Coach.—To dream you are riding in a coach, you
will get a lucrative employment.
Coals.—Clear burning coals, denotes prosperity.