Exhibit written and curated by Sean Connolly and Varun Jhamvar


Census Data Population in 1800, 1820, 1840, and 1850

Boston's African American population in the first half of the 1800s was relatively small, staying consistently in the lower thousands. The 1800 Census, pictured below, does not clearly mark African Americans. Black individuals faced significant barriers to employment and often found themselves limited to low-skilled and low-paying jobs. Discrimination also extended to housing, education, and other aspects of life, further hindering economic progress. Instead, it marks free white persons and slaves and has one section for "All other free persons, except Indians not taxed." For Boston in 1800, there were 1,174 individuals in this category out of a total population of 24,937, meaning colored persons made up about 4.7 percent of Boston's population. 1

Massachusetts Census ID, “1800 U.S. Census,” 1801, Digital Images, United States Census Bureau

Over the following years, while Boston's colored population generally increased its percentage, its percentage of the city's total population decreased. By 1820 the colored population was 1,726 out of a total population of 43,940, making up about 3.93 percent of Boston's population. The 1820 census also, interestingly, has both a colored category and a category for "All other persons except Indians not taxed." The relative lack of "all others" (50 in all) leads to the presumption that, in the 1800 census, the majority of those in the "all others" were the same as those who would have fallen inside of a "colored" category.2

Massachusetts Census ID, “1820 U.S. Census,” Digital Images, United States Census Bureau

Massachusetts Census ID, “1840 U.S. Census,”

Digital Images, United States Census Bureau

The 1840 census shows a colored population in Boston of 2,438 out of a total Boston population of 93,390, making up about 2.6 percent of Boston's population. The terminology has changed again, with the only category other than white being "Free colored persons."3 The 1850 City Census, interestingly, shows a lower colored population than the 1840 National Census, even as the total population of the city vastly increased. This increase (from 93,390 to 138,788) was primarily the result of European immigrants.4

These immigrants were incorporated in this census as a completely new category: "foreigners".  Divided between Ireland, Germany, and "Other Countries," this is reflecting an increased concern over the influx of immigrants to Boston during this time period. Indeed, the authors directly note that "The foreign population has increased 26,117 since 1845. The large influx of immigrants made it even harder for the black community to find relevant jobs, thus compounding their economic struggles due to increased labor supply and competition. The increased supply of labor resulting from immigration could have led to downward pressure on wages in certain industries. This wage suppression may have disproportionately affected African American workers, who were already facing lower wages and limited bargaining power due to systemic discrimination and racial bias. The immigrant influx also brought attention to issues of discrimination and social inequality, which created opportunities for alliances and cooperation between African Americans and some immigrant groups. This subject is one of great importance to the city.”5 The 1850 census shows that the colored population of Boston was 2085. However, the proportion of Boston's colored population decreased to 1.5% of Boston's total population, which had increased by approximately 48.6%.6


Massachusetts Census ID, “1850 U.S. Census,” Digital Images, Hathi Trust

The 1850 Boston Census provides detailed information on the city's population, down to the street level. For the purpose of defining the living areas of Boston's African American Population as of 1850, the information pertaining to each ward is shown below, with breakdowns of the African American population for each ward. The following map shows the distribution of the city's wards at the time of the census. The numbers and borders in black are the ones relevant for 1850 (the map seems to have been drawn over at a later period in red to show a different distribution of wards).7

E.P. Dutton Firm, "A new & complete map of the city of Boston, with part of Charlestown, Cambridge & Roxbury," 1861, Map, Boston Public Library

According to this 1850 census, the African American population per ward breaks down as follows:

Massachussetts Census ID, “1850 U.S. Census,” Digital Images, Hathi Trust

Boston’s Ward 6 Colored Population Breakdown in 1850

Ward 6, comprising Beacon Hill, is by far the ward with the highest colored population. As the 1850 census gives data down to the street level, it shows which streets contained the highest numbers of African Americans.The only four streets with colored populations above 100 are all in Ward Six. They are as follows:

Massachussetts. Census ID, 1850 U.S. Census, population schedule. Digital images. Hathi Trust. p 23.

Southac St. was the only street in Boston that had a majority colored population. These four streets contained 1,041 colored individuals, accountings for 83.547 % of the colored population in Ward 6 and 49.93% of the colored population of Boston as a whole. Almost half of the entire black population of Boston was concentrated in these four streets.

Hales, John Groves, John Ritto Penniman, Thomas Wightman ,"Map of Boston in the state of Massachusetts," 1814. ca. 1:4,400, Map,  Boston Public Library

The following map depicts these four streets within the Beacon Hill neighborhood.  If we look at the population threshold of 30 African Americans per street (a relatively low number, but there were not many streets with even this many), we see specific areas of population concentration arise. Many of these streets remain within the Beacon Hill area, including:

Massachusetts Census ID, “1850 U.S. Census,” Digital Images, Hathi Trust

Mapping out these streets shows a clear concentration of the African-American community within Beacon Hill. However, there are also several other streets outside of the Beacon Hill area with over 30 colored persons.

Boynton, George W., Nathaniel Dearborn ,"A new & complete map of the city of Boston, and precincts including part of Charlestown, Cambridge & Roxbury," 1850, Map, Boston Public Library

All these streets are depicted below. Along with Beacon Hill, these streets show other areas that seemed to have concentrations of African Americans within Boston. Decreasing the population threshold number to 20 gives us three more streets which seems to reinforce the overall trend. These streets include:

Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division, "Stimpson's Boston directory; containing the names of the inhabitants, their occupations, places of business, and dwelling houses, and the city register, with lists of the streets, lanes and wharves, the city officers, public offices and banks, and other useful information," New York Public Library Digital Collections

Overall, the concentration of the African American community in specific neighborhoods and streets speaks to their resilience and ability to carve out spaces of belonging in a city marked by discrimination and inequality. This historical data reminds us of the complex and dynamic nature of Boston's demographic landscape and offers insights into the lived experiences of African Americans during a transformative period in the city's history.

Jobs in 19th century Boston

In the mid-19th century, the Boston Directory provided a valuable resource for examining the African American population in the city and shedding light on the types of employment many engaged in. While limited to the heads of households, the directory revealed important insights into the professional pursuits of African Americans during this time. Among the most common professions were laborers, mariners, hairdressers/barbers, and those involved in clothing-related trades.

The 1840 Boston Directory separated colored people from the rest of the directory. While this is troublesome on several levels, it provides a resource for looking at the African American population at this time. The directory specified the jobs of all the individuals within it, providing an overview of the types of employment many African Americans engaged in. This document is not as detailed as census data, as it only gives the heads of households. These figures were generally men, obscuring the number of African American women who were working at the time. However, the directory still provides a helpful overview.

Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division, "Stimpson's Boston directory; containing the names of the inhabitants, their occupations, places of business, and dwelling houses, and the city register, with lists of the streets, lanes and wharves, the city officers, public offices and banks, and other useful information," New York Public Library Digital Collections

The professions depicted within this document, along with the number of individuals claiming the profession, are presented below. Along with the various jobs listed above,  one person mentioned the following jobs: Handcartman, Basketmaker, Soap Boiler, Blacking Maker, Window Cleaner, "Fruit," Cook, Chimney Sweep, Preacher, Cigar Maker, and Sawyer 1.

“1840 Boston Job Distribution,” Digital Graph, Personal photo

Clothing presents an interesting issue for classification. It is clear that a significant number of African Americans in Boston were employed in some relation to clothing, but it is often vague exactly what these jobs entailed. Seven individuals reported being clothes dealers, five being tailors, one reported each of the following: "Clothes Cleans. Store," "Clothes Shop," and "Clothes Cleaner." However, ten reported "clothes", and five reported "clothing," making their exact professions unclear.  The distribution of the six most common professions as percentages, along with the less common jobs listed under "Misc.," is displayed below.

Prevalence of Barbers 

The high amount of barbers in the African American community is not a phenomenon limited to Boston. In his book "Knights of the Razor: Black Barbers in Slavery and Freedom," Douglas W. Bristol argues that "Barbering, in short, was one of the few skilled trades open to African Americans in the North."7 Discrimination in most forms of skilled labor prevented the rise of African American workers. This is also part of the reason why "laborer" is the most common job description, as for many African Americans, skilled work was unavailable. Yet, barbering was unique, partly because it was a type of service job; it was arguably a way in which blacks continued to serve whites outside of the confines of slavery. Yet many African Americans were able to turn this into an avenue of success. Bristol shows that in 1855 in New York, there were more black barbers than the total number of Black butchers, tailors, shoemakers, and carpenters combined. He also shows that Black barbers vastly outnumbered white barbers in many northern cities. For example, in 1850, 79 percent of barbers in Philadelphia and 81 percent in Baltimore were African Americans.

However, this job did not come without issues. Bristol claims that many black barbers excluded other African Americans from their shops. Their success relied, to a large degree, on serving white patrons. Barbering was often not seen as a job for whites until European immigrants started arriving, many of whom would take up barbering and push out African Americans from these jobs.8 While many served only black customers, some became hubs for African American community and abolitionist efforts. Peter Howard's barbershop was a place which attracted both white and black abolitionists and may have played a role in the Underground Railroad.9

Prevalence of Mariners

According to The Freedom Trail Foundation, by the 1830s 20% of all American maritime workers were African Americans.10 Similar to barbering, the prevalence of African American mariners may simply be because it was one of the few professions not explicitly barred to them by racism. Perhaps partly due to the relative danger of the profession, mariners seem to have been in large demand both in the private sector and in the navy, and this need seems to have partly overcome the barriers of racism. Whatever the cause, marine jobs at large seemed to have less discrimination than most others. A notable example is that, unlike the army, the American Navy recruited African Americans from the beginning of the Revolutionary War.11 Perhaps one of the most famous early African American sailors is Crispus Attucks, who led the attack against British Soldiers that led to the Boston Massacre. Though in trademark American hypocrisy, some of these African Americans helping the fledgling nation fight for freedom were slaves.12

  1. Massachusetts. Census ID, 1800 U.S. Census, population schedule. Digital images. United States Census Bureau.
  2. Massachusetts. Census ID, 1820 U.S. Census, population schedule. Digital images. United States Census Bureau.
  3. Massachusetts. Census ID, 1840 U.S. Census, population schedule. Digital images. United States Census Bureau.
  4. Massachusetts. Census ID, 1850 U.S. Census, population schedule. Digital images. Hathi Trust.
  5. Ibid, 16.
  6. Ibid, 20.
  7. Bristol, Douglas Walter. Knights of the Razor: Black Barbers in Slavery and Freedom. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2009. Print.
  8. Ibid.
  9. Mills, Quincy T. Cutting along the Color Line: Black Barbers and Barber Shops in America. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania, 2013. Print.
  10. Odle, Cliff. Black Jacks: African American Mariners in Early America. The Freedom Trail Foundation,
  11. "Black Revolutionary seamen, 1775-1783." Africans in America, PBS.org Accessed June 7 2018.
  12. Ibid.


"Black Revolutionary seamen, 1775-1783." Africans in America, PBS.org. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part2/2p51.html

Boynton, George W., Nathaniel Dearborn "A new & complete map of the city of Boston, and precincts including part of Charlestown, Cambridge & Roxbury" [map]. 1850. Scale not given. Boston Public Library.. https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/9s161b14d

E.P. Dutton Firm. "A new & complete map of the city of Boston, with part of Charlestown, Cambridge & Roxbury," [map]. 1861. Scale not given. Boston Public Library. https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/9s161b54c

Hales, John Groves, John Ritto Penniman, Thomas Wightman "Map of Boston in the state of Massachusetts" [map]. 1814. ca. 1:4,400. Boston Public Library. https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/x059cc38s

Massachussetts. Census ID, 1800 U.S. Census, population schedule. Digital images. United States Census Bureau. . https://www.census.gov/library/publications/1801/dec/return.html

Massachussetts. Census ID, 1840 U.S. Census, population schedule. Digital images. United States Census Bureau. https://www2.census.gov/library/publications/decennial/1840/1840v3/1840c-02.pdf

Massachussetts. Census ID, 1820 U.S. Census, population schedule. Digital images. United States Census Bureau.. https://www.census.gov/library/publications/1821/dec/1820a.html

Massachussetts. Census ID, 1850 U.S. Census, population schedule. Digital images. Hathi Trust. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=chi.28848546;view=1up;seq=34

Massachussetts. Census ID, 1850 U.S. Census, population schedule. Digital images. Hathi Trust. p 23. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=chi.28848546;view=1up;seq=27

Odle, Cliff. Black Jacks: African American Mariners in Early America. The Freedom Trail Foundation. https://www.thefreedomtrail.org/educational-resources/article-black-jacks.shtml

Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division, The New York Public Library. "Stimpson's Boston directory; containing the names of the inhabitants, their occupations, places of business, and dwelling houses, and the city register, with lists of the streets, lanes and wharves, the city officers, public offices and banks, and other useful information." New York Public Library Digital Collections. Accessed June 7, 2018.