Works Cited
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Artemidorus, Daldianus.The interpretation of dreams digested into five books by that ancient and excellent philosopher, Artimedorus. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, 1644. Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership, 2011.
Chireau, Yvonne Patricia. Black Magic: Religion and the African American Conjuring Tradition. University of California Press, 2003.
Lerner, Gerda. Grimke Sisters from South Carolina: Pioneers for Women's Rights and Abolition. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press. HeinOnline,
Middleton, Laura. Dreams and their Interpretations: Compilation of dream interpretations contributed by African Americans of Edisto Island, South Carolina. 1936. WPA Federal Writers' Project Papers. USC South Caroliniana Lib., Columbia, SC. <>
Mitchem, Stephanie. African American Folk Healing. NYU Press, 2007.
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Real and extraordinary dreams and visions, with their interpretations; tending to shew that the great and wonderful events of the present crisis, will usher in the glorious revolution spoken of by the prophets. With a preparatory address and solemn call To Methodists, Quakers, Dissenters, Catholics, Churchmen, Jews, Deists, And The Preachers In Particular; Also to kings, orators, patriots, judges, nobles, politicians, and the public in general. London, [1795?]. Eighteenth Century Collections Online. Gale. Northeastern University. 9 Dec. 2020
The Golden Dreamer, or Dreamer’s Interpreter, clearly showing how all things Past, Present and to come may be ascertained by means of Dreams , Newcastle upon Tyne, no date (British Library catalogue suggests 1850).